Daily Vehicle Walkaround Checks Module 3 - Daily Vehicle Walkaround Checks 3.5hrs Maximun 20 Delegates Session 1 20 Minutes Introduction to course, aims and objectives. Session 2 20 Minutes Operator Licence Purpose Commitment Undertakings Session 3 20 Minutes Enforcement agency When they can be inspected (include hyperlink Case Study) Statistics Action available if not roadworthy Graduated Fixed Penalty system. Prohibition action DVD (DVSA Fixed penalty or Freight best practice) Session 4 30 Minutes Record keeping and the recording of Walk Around Daily Checks Guide to maintaining roadworthiness Defect Reporting Why & when to inspect Break 15 Minutes Session 5 45 Minutes Items to be checked during the Walk Around Daily Check Basics Routine Tachograph Manual Entry (Analogue & Digital) Group Exercise (split into groups and identify items to be checked and why) Session 6 15 Minutes How to record Daily Checks and Defect Reporting processes. Check sheet Recording of defects Recording of NIL defects Reporting process Dependent on time show DVD (DVSA DWC or Freight Best Practice) Session 7 45 Minutes Enforcement Agencies Roadside Checks Types of Prohibition Notice PG3 PG35EC PG9 PG9a, PG9b & PG9c PG10 TE160 & TE160dh Prohibitions and Convictions Legal Obligations & Penalties Summary Dependant on time use quiz in driver groups. Session 8 15 Minutes Course review, Evaluation and feedback. Course End 3.5hrs