Module 7 - Driver Security
Maximun 20 Delegates
Session 1
15 Minutes
Introduction to course, aims and objectives.
Session 2
30 Minutes
Security issues, Truckpol, Truckpol statistics and quarterly reports
- Why drivers should not openly discuss vehicle and load values.
- Look at the current statistics produced as a result of truck crime.
The threats to the driver and type of goods targeted.
Session 3
30 Minutes
Types of crime, protecting the driver/load/vehicle, driver’s responsibility, equipment, loads and safe parking.
- Explaining how to be more security conscious with regard to the load and the vehicle.
- Planning your stops and breaks, avoiding regular routines.
- Parking safely at night, where not to park and how it could affect insurances and claims.
- How to recognise suspicious behaviour and bogus enforcement vehicles.
The use of security devices and signage
Session 4
30 Minutes
Prevention of clandestine/immigrants, vehicle security.
- Making drivers aware that a clandestine can target any type of vehicle, how desperate they are, and the fact that it is often criminally driven.
- Where they could conceal their selves, how to recognise signs of tampering or forced entry.
- The importance of and how to use security check sheets.
The cost and consequence to the driver and company of getting it wrong.
Break 15 Minutes
Session 5
15 Minutes
The power of social media
- How social media helps us to keep in contact at all levels.
- How it can affect the control of a company’s reputation.
- Why checking privacy settings can help protect the longevity of employment.
- How smart phones, tablets and laptops help us communicate and be more flexible in the workplace.
How we can be monitored by our use of social media, who’s watching etc.
Session 6
20 Minutes
Vehicle tracking and telematics
- How telematics can benefit the employer, locality, fuel usage, how many hours the driver has left etc.
- Benefits of tracking and telemetry. Where the driver is, real time information to feedback to the customer, fuel economy, how the vehicle is being driven etc.
- How driver performance can affect the efficiency and wear of the vehicle.
- How technology breads success.
Session 7
30 Minutes
Driver’s role, good service, poor service and influence on customer’s choice.
- How the drivers appearance, attitude and manner could affect customer retention.
- Do we feel satisfied as an employee, why we should not reflect our mood or feelings about our company in front of the customer?
- How to show the customer they are valued and why they should continue to use us.
- The difference between good customer service and bad customer service.
- What it has got to do with the driver and how they can influence it.
The golden rules of customer service.
Session 8
30 Minutes
Communication, image, handling complaints and conflict.
- Why we should do enough at the employees induction stage.
- The power of complaint and how it can affect customer retention.
- How to view and deal with a complaint.
How we could use the complaint to improve our services.
Session 9
10 Minutes
Course review, evaluation and feedback